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"10 years committed to you"


The management team of "The Food and Agriculture Industry co. S.L." trying to guarantee the quality of their service and being aware of how important the envioronment is and the following activities:

- The design of new agriculture proyects in agriculture farms ( legal consultancy and engineering).
- Implementation of protocols and envioronmental and quality analysis.
- Plant health measure .
- Current and future envioronmental impact in land.
- Food and hygine consultancy.

may be able to change somehow, it has been stablished in the envioronmental and quality policy.


This policy will make us improve the preview process of our servicies and the one which will supervise the benefits produced by our activities. Besides, it will be also the one which will direct us towards both the easiest and safest way of impact against nature and the total control of the waste produced by our activity, on the contrary, finding a way of favouring it.


In order to guarantee all our activities, a quality and envioronmental system has been stablished based on our own requirements, the result of an agreement between both the international standards (UNE en ISO) and a deep analysis of our services.

We assume that:

1. We will perform all the legal requirements agreed according to the envioronment activities followed as long as they do not disagree with the rules stablished by law in both, getting our goals obtained and not disturbing the envioronment in any case throughtout our avtivity. This way , we will never go against the law stablished by the goverment.

2. We will perform the total of the task requiered in order to guarantee the legal process of our tasks and improving our sistem regularly in the process, stablishing a regular review of our envioronmental and quality goals.

3. We can also guarantee the envioronmental protection throughtout the prevention of any kind of contamination produced by our work.

4. We can also agree to difusse our envioronmental and quality policy helping our workers to improve their skills in all our differnt companies and all the companies which work for or in name "Implantation and Management of Agricultural Sistems S.L.

5. We can also guarantee to supervise all our different working systems, focusing on:
- The quality of our servise.
- Efficiency in our servise.
- Relationship with our customers.
- Waste control, focus on the ones which belong to our customers.

6. Commitment to make available to the general public our policy of quality and environmental management, for information on our website www.impasa.bio

Don Benito, 15th june 2014.